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Educational Resources

Participants in the Great Lakes Marine Debris Collaborative offer links and downloadable educational materials for people of all ages to learn about marine debris. Whether you are a formal educator or just interested in learning more, there are general and region-specific resources available.

Marine Debris Content Portlet

Caring for our Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands
Communicating for a Clean Future - Ohio Marine Debris Challenge
Great Lakes in my World
How big is a crowd?
Let's Talk Trash PowerPoint
Marine Debris and Plastic Source Reduction Toolkit for Colleges and Universities
Marine Debris Toolkit: Intro to Marine Debris Presentation
NOAA Educational Resources
Plastic Pollution and the Great Lakes
Polymers in our Waters - Marine Debris and Plastics
Waste in Place
CMORE Marine Debris Lesson
Earth Day Bag Project
Great Lakes Marine Debris Education Webinar Recording
Lake-Aware Kids Engaged in Relevant Science (LAKERS) - Coastweeks Activity Guide
Marine Debris 101 Tip Card
Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators
Monterey Bay Aquarium - Plastics in the Water column
Ocean Plastic Education Kit
Plastic Trash and Wildlife
Take Local Action for Global Change
What is the Impact of Beach Litter?