Research and Publications
Teams of academics and other partners are leading marine debris research that answers questions about marine debris types, impacts, and solutions in the Great Lakes. Research papers, reports, and other technical publications are available below.
Barriers and benefits to desired behaviors for single-use plastic items in northeast Ohio - Final Report
This report summarizes the findings of a research project
conducted by the Ohio Sea Grant College Program (OSG) in the fall
of 2016. Funding for the project was provided by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris
Program through an award to the City of Cleveland Mayor’s Office
of Sustainability. OSG was subcontracted by Thunder Tech Inc., a
private marketing firm located in Cleveland, Ohio, to conduct
applied research to inform a social marketing campaign focused on
reducing plastic marine debris.
The results will be used by the City of Cleveland and
Thunder Tech Inc. to develop a social marketing
campaign designed to support desired behaviors regarding the use and
proper disposal of plastic bags, water bottles, and cigar tips.
Comparison of the distribution and degradation of plastic debris along shorelines of the Great Lakes, North America
The distribution patterns, compositions and textures of plastic
debris along the Lake Erie and St. Clair shorelines were studied in
order to determine the roles of potential source locations, surface
currents, and shoreline types in the accumulation of plastic litter.
The results were compared with those previously determined from Lake
Huron, where abundant plastic pellets characterize the southeastern
shoreline. Lake Erie and St. Clair shorelines contained some pellets,
but were mainly characterized by plastic fragments and intact
products, respectively. The potential sources for the pellets include
spillage within factories or during transport and off-loading; whereas
intact products were derived from urban waste. Once entering the lake
environment, low density floating polymers such as polyethylene and
polypropylene were degraded by UVB radiation at either the water
surface or once deposited on shorelines. Mechanical degradation by
wave action and/or sand abrasion fragmented intact products into
cm-size particles. Certain textures identified on the surfaces of
plastic particles could be related to the nature of the depositional
environment. Plastics sampled from infrequently visited muddy,
organic-rich shorelines were characterized by more adhering particles
and less mechanical pits than those from sandy shorelines.In terms of
relative distribution, the Lake St. Clair shoreline contained the
least amount of plastic debris of the three lakes. This is a function
of the breakwaters and retaining walls built along Lake St. Clair,
which replace natural sandy or muddy sinks for floating polymers. This
study represents the first detailed record of plastics distribution
along multiple, but related fresh water shorelines.
Economic Impacts of Marine Debris on Beaches
Marine debris is a persistent problem in many coastal areas of the
United States. There are a variety of potential economic losses
associated with marine debris, including effects on commercial
fisheries, effects on waterfront property values, costs incurred by
local governments and volunteer organizations to remove and dispose of
marine debris, and more general “existence” values reflecting the
public’s preference for a clean environment. This study evaluates two
types of economic loss that result from the effects of marine debris
on beach recreation: the loss of recreational value to beach visitors,
and the regional economic impact from reduced spending on beach visits
in a particular region. Beach studies in the Great Lakes were
conducted in Ohio.
Factors influencing microplastic abundances in nearshore, tributary and beach sediments along the Ontario shoreline of Lake Erie
A study was completed in the northern part of Lake Erie, Ontario to
determine the concentrations and distribution of microplastics.
Following density separation and microscopic analysis of 29 samples, a
total of 1178 microplastic particles were identified. Thirteen
nearshore samples contained 0–391microplastic particles per kg dry
weight sediment (kg−1), whereas 4 tributary samples contained 10–462
kg−1 and 12 beach samples contained 50–146 kg−1. The highest
concentrations of nearshore microplastics were from near the mouths of
the Detroit River in the western basin and the Grand River in the
eastern basin, reflecting an urban influence. The highest microplastic
concentrations in beach samples were determined from Rondeau Beach in
the central basin where geomorphology affects plastics concentration.
The Welland Canal sample in the eastern basin contained the greatest
concentration of microplastics of the tributary samples, which is
consistent with high population density and shipping traffic. The
overall abundance of microplastic in northern Lake Erie nearshore,
tributary and beach samples is 6 times lower than in sediment sampled
from northern Lake Ontario. The nearshore and beach sample results
potentially reflect the transport patterns of floating plastics
modeled for Lake Erie, which predict that the majority of plastic
particles entering the lake are transported to southern shoreline
regions rather than northern areas.
Marine Debris Monitoring & Assessment - Method Recommendations
The NOAA Marine Debris Program has developed standardized,
statistically valid methodologies for conducting rapid assessments of
the debris material type and quantity present in a monitored location.
The monitoring guidelines in this document focus on abundance, types,
and concentration on shorelines, in surface waters, during visual
surveys at sea, and in the benthos.
Quantification of Microplastics on National Park Beaches
The purpose of this project was to quantify microplastic loads at
single sites on selected beaches at a continental scale to better
understand microplastic distribution. Six sites were sampled in the
Great Lakes Region.
Barriers and benefits to desired behaviors for single use plastic items in northeast Ohio's Lake Erie basin
Given the growing saliency of plastic marine debris, and the impact
of plastics on beaches and aquatic environments in the Laurentian
Great Lakes, applied research is needed to support municipal and
nongovernmental campaigns to prevent debris from reaching the water's
edge. This study addresses this need by examining the barriers and
benefits to positive behavior for two plastic debris items in northeast
Ohio's Lake Erie basin: plastic bags and plastic water bottles. An
online survey is employed to gather data on the use and disposal of
these plastic items and to solicit recommendations on how to
positively change behavior to reduce improper disposal. Results
support a ban on plastic bags and plastic water bottles, with more
enthusiasm for a bag ban. Financial incentives are also seen as an
effective way to influence behavior change, as are location-specific
solutions focused on education and outreach.
Distribution and Degradation of Fresh Water Plastic Particles Along the Beaches of Lake Huron, Canada
Resistivity of plastic litter to chemical weathering, mechanical
erosion, and biological degradation poses a critical environmental
threat. Plastic debris has increased in abundance over the past
several decades along shorelines and at sea, where organisms mistake
small particles including plastic pellets as a potential food supply.
These pellets have been shown to adsorb persistent organic pollutants
such as PCBs, which may endanger the organism and become ingested
higher in the food chain. Although several studies have been conducted
to determine the amount and effects of plastics pollution in marine
environments, relatively little is known concerning fresh water
plastics pollution. This study represents the first detailed
examination of the distribution, types, and physical and chemical
degradation processes of plastic particles in a fresh water setting.
In conducting field surveys along the shoreline of Lake Huron, Canada,
we were able to ascertain that the total number of pellets over
multiple sampling localities comprise 94% of plastic debris. The
majority of the pellets were found proximal to an industrial sector
along the southeastern margin of the lake and their abundance steadily
decreased northward, following the dominant lake current patterns.
Laboratory analyses using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy indicate predominant
mechanical abrasion textures, including grooves, gauges, pits, and
flakes, and less common chemical weathering features such as linear
and crescentic fractures that developed from shrinkage during
subaerial exposure. The predominant type of plastic, polyethylene,
appears to be much more resistant to chemical weathering than
polypropylene, as indicated by oxidation peaks on FTIR spectra
suggesting that polypropylene degrades more readily under natural
conditions on freshwater beaches.
Factors Controlling the Distribution of Microplastic Particles in Benthic Sediment of the Thames River, Canada
Investigations of microplastic abundances in freshwater environments
have become more common in the past five years, but few studies
concern the factors that control the distribution of microplastics in
river systems. We sampled benthic sediment from 34 stations along the
Thames River in Ontario, Canada, to determine the influence of land
use, grain size, river morphology, and relative amount of organic
debris on the distribution of microplastics. Once counted and
characterized for shape, color, and size, microplastic abundances were
normalized to the results from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
on randomly selected particles. The results indicate that 78% of the
fragments and only 33% of the fibers analyzed were plastic. The
normalized microplastic quantities ranged from 6 to 2444 particles per
kg of dry weight sediment (kg−1 dw). The greatest number of
microplastics were identified in samples of the fi nest grain sizes
and with the greatest amount of organic debris. Although there was no
significant difference between microplastic abundances in urban versus
rural locations, the average microplastic count for urban samples was
greater (269 vs 195 kg−1 dw). In terms of river morphology, samples
from along straight courses of the river contained fewer microplastics
than samples from inner and outer bends. Overall abundances confirm
how rivers contain a significant number of plastic particles and thus
may be major conduits of microplastics to lake and ocean basins.
Hidden plastics of Lake Ontario, Canada and their potential preservation in the sediment record
Microplastics are a source of environmental pollution resulting from
degradation of plastic products and spillage of resin pellets. We
report the amounts of microplastics from various sites of Lake Ontario
and evaluate their potential for preservation in the sediment record.
A total of 4635 pellets were sampled from the Humber Bay shoreline on
three sampling dates. Pellet colours were similar to those from the
Humber River bank, suggesting that the river is a pathway for plastics
transport into Lake Ontario. Once in the lake, high density
microplastics, including mineral-polyethylene and
mineral-polypropylene mixtures, sink to the bottom. The minerals may
be fillers that were combined with plastics during production, or may
have adsorbed to the surfaces of the polymers in the water column or
on the lake bottom. Based on sediment depths and accumulation rates,
microplastics have accumulated in the offshore region for less than 38
years. Their burial increases the chance of microplastics
preservation. Shoreline pellets may not be preserved because they are
mingled with organic debris that is reworked during storm events.
Marine Debris Removal Best Practices
Marine debris is a pervasive pollution problem that impacts all
corners of the globe. Sometimes, debris ends up in places that require
innovative thinking in order to remove. Check out some of these
projects that implemented unique or developed best management
practices for removing debris from the environment.
Sources and sinks of microplastics in Canadian Lake Ontario nearshore, tributary and beach sediments
Microplastics contamination of Lake Ontario sediments is investigated
with the aim of identifying distribution patterns and hotspots in
nearshore, tributary and beach depositional environments.
Microplastics are concentrated in nearshore sediments in the vicinity
of urban and industrial regions. In Humber Bay and Toronto Harbour
microplastic concentrations were consistently 500 particles per kg dry
sediment. Maximum concentrations of ~28,000 particles per kg dry
sediment were determined in Etobicoke Creek. The microplastic
particles were primarily fibres and fragments 2 mm in size. Both low-
and high-density plastics were identified using Raman spectroscopy. We
provide a baseline for future monitoring and discuss potential sources
of microplastics in terms of how and where to implement preventative
measures to reduce the contaminant influx. Although the impacts of
microplastics contamination on ecosystem health and functioning is
uncertain, understanding, monitoring and preventing further
microplastics contamination in Lake Ontario and the other Great Lakes
is crucial.